David Jackson United Kingdom

David Jackson
David Jackson is Professor of Respiratory Medicine at King’s College London and Head of the regional Severe Asthma and Eosinophilic Lung Disease Service based at Guy's Hospital in London. This unit is one of the largest of its kind in the world with over 1000 patients on biologic therapies and daily multidisciplinary clinics for severe asthma and EGPA. Professor Jackson has an MSc in Allergy and PhD in the pathophysiology of virus-induced asthma exacerbations from Imperial College London. He has published widely in the field of type 2 immunity, asthma and eosinophil associated diseases, and co-edited the European Respiratory Society Monograph on Eosinophilic Lung Diseases. He is the Associate Editor at the journals THORAX and ALLERGY.

Day 2: Friday, 30th August 2024

Time Session
Company: AstraZeneca
Azza Omar Chairperson Malaysia
David Jackson Speaker United Kingdom
  • Navigating between upstream & downstream targets in severe asthma
Hall 301, Level 3

Day 3: Saturday, 31st August 2024

Time Session
Company: GlaxoSmithKline
Pang Yong Kek Chairperson Malaysia
David Jackson Speaker United Kingdom
Leong Hoe Nam Speaker Singapore
Pang Yong Kek Speaker Malaysia
  • From treatment to protection: Advances in asthma management and future of RSV prevention
Hall 301, Level 3