Zulaikah Mohamed Malaysia

Zulaikah Mohamed
Dr Zulaikah binti Mohamed, was born in Kota Tinggi, Johor in 1965. She is a Senior Science Officer Microbiology at Johor Bahru Public Health Laboratory. She has been working with the Ministry of Health Malaysia for 35 years, of which 19 years has been in Laboratory diagnosis for TB. Dr Zulaikah’s passion for TB was sparked when she was posted to Kota Kinabalu Public Health Laboratory, Sabah in 2005. Sabah is known to have the highest TB cases in Malaysia as of today. Dr Zulaikah binti Mohamed obtained her first degree in Biomedical Sciences in 1998 at University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur followed by her Masters in Microbiology in 2003. Her Masters thesis was on anti-microbial agents against MRSA. Her journey to her doctorate led her to the world of TB again. She was awarded her PhD in vaccinology in University Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2017 for her work on looking for new vaccine candidates for tuberculosis. She was also involved in technology transfer training for 6 months in in-vivo studies of the vaccine candidates at Institution of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico. Dr Zulaikah binti Mohamed was awarded Subject Matter Expert in Mycobacteriology by the Public Service Department of Malaysia (JPA) in 2019, another noteworthy achievement in her challenging career as a Microbiologist in the field of TB. Her path continues, with her primary focus now on laboratory diagnosis related to childhood TB and non tuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM)