Diagnostic sleep medicine

30 Aug 2024 09:10 09:30
Julius Goh Liang Chye Speaker Malaysia

S1B – Sleep Disordered Breathing

Julius Goh Liang Chye
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This presentation will delve into two primary topics: the advancements in sleep diagnostics through wearable devices and the introduction of the novel CES-EES score. Firstly, we will explore the growing role of wearable technology in identifying and managing sleep disorders, particularly in the context of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in Malaysia. These devices offer a non-invasive, accessible, and cost-effective approach for monitoring sleep patterns, providing valuable data for patients with a high pre-test probability of OSA. Secondly, we will introduce the CES-EES score, a novel diagnostic tool developed at the University of Malaya. This score integrates comprehensive medical evaluation with detailed ENT upper airway assessment, significantly enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of sleep apnea diagnosis. The CES-EES score has proven effective in our clinical practice, facilitating more accurate identification of patients with sleep apnea. Furthermore, the presentation will discuss the application of the CES-EES score in patient triage. It serves as a valuable tool for better organizing patient selection for various diagnostic and treatment pathways, including ENT referrals, in-lab polysomnography, and Home Sleep Apnea Testing (HSAT). This structured approach aims to optimize resource allocation and improve patient outcomes by ensuring appropriate and timely interventions.