Dave Singh United Kingdom

Dave Singh
Dave Singh is professor of clinical pharmacology & respiratory medicine at the University of Manchester. He graduated in medicine from Cambridge University and then specialised in clinical pharmacology and respiratory medicine. His research interest is the development of new drugs for asthma and COPD. He is the medical director of the Medicines Evaluation Unit, where he has acted as principal investigator in over 300 clinical trials. He is a member of the GOLD Scientific Committee, and currently is the chair of the European Respiratory Society airway pharmacology group. He has served as an editor of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, and is currently an editor at the European Respiratory Journal. He has over 250 publications.

Day 2: Friday, 30th August 2024

Time Session
Company: Sanofi
Pang Yong Kek Chairperson Malaysia
Dave Singh Speaker United Kingdom
  • New frontiers in the treatment of COPD
Hall 302, Level 3