Leow Wooi Leong Malaysia

Leow Wooi Leong
Mr Leow Wooi Leong is a registered pharmacist at the Institut Perubatan Respiratori Kuala Lumpur. He graduated with a Bachelor in Pharmacy from USM in 2007. He is the person behind the scenes in improving access to TB medication in Institut Perubatan Respiratoti and Ministry of Health Malaysia facilities. In 2022 he co-ordinated dialogues between stakeholders, which resulted in getting an exemption of special drug request for agents listed in CPG Management of Drug-Resistant TB but not in the MOH Medicines Formulary (FUKKM) He was the Development committee of Consensus Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of New Regiment of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) in 2023 and a member of the Working Committee for Procurement of Medicines in the New Treatment Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB), Latent Tuberculosis (LTBI) and Paediatric Fixed Dose Combination Preparations in 2024.

Congress Workshop 1— Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis