Anis Siham Zainal Abidin Malaysia

Anis Siham Zainal Abidin

Dr Anis graduated with Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS) in 2002 and Master in Paediatrics in 2010 at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She started her professional training in Paediatric Intensive Care (PICU) at University Malaya Medical Centre, Institute of Paediatrics Kuala Lumpur and National Heart Institute (IJN) Malaysia from 2012 till 2014. She continued her training in PICU in Birmingham Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom from November 2014 till May 2015.

She came back to Malaysia in 2015 and became the head of Paediatric Department in University Technology MARA (UiTM) from 2015 till 2020 as an associate professor. Dr Anis's major interests are in PICU registry, paediatric early warning score (PEWS), PICU rehabilitation, high flow nasal cannula and mechanical ventilation. She is the national education committee for PICU and is involved in courses for example PICU Masterclass, PICU BASIC and Ultrasound course (PERCUSS). She has won various awards for invention and innovation which includes developing a simple CPAP device to be used in the United Nation camps in Cox Bazaar, Bangladesh; a Malaysian PICU registry, electronic PEWS and Bike on Bed (PICU rehabilitation device). She has setup PHDU service in Hospital Selayang under the ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ between UiTM and Ministry of Health in January 2017.

Dr Anis was also the lead for Clinical Skill Simulation Centre UiTM from 2019-2022. She developed new teaching and learning methods using Virtual and Augmented Reality, workplace- based assessment for medical students and ultrasound to aid learning. She is also responsible for the sub-specialty, postgraduate and allied health training. Dr Anis has also created collaborative links for simulation training with the National University of Singapore and Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne Australia.

Apart from that, Dr Anis is also an active researcher and was certified under the ‘UK Harvard Clinical Research Course’ in 2016. She is also active as the member of Malaysian Paediatric Intensive Care Society and the editor of the manual for Malaysian Paediatric Life Support for provider and instructor.

She is an active trainer for paediatric life support courses. Among her other interests are community outreach medical programmes including developing the children safety programme, humanitarian missions for the underprivileged in Malaysia as well as in other countries.

As a paediatric intensivist, Dr Anis is very committed to the well-being of her patients and practises family oriented PICU services offering treatment with firm clinical evidence. She is currently working in Sunway Medical Centre.

Congress Workshop 3 — Paediatric Asthma

Time Session