Dato' Dr Rus Anida Awang

Dato’ Dr. Rus Anida Awang attained her medical degree (MB.BCh.BAO) from Royal College of Surgeon Dublin, Ireland in 1989. She did her housemanship in Hospital University Science Malaysia (HUSM), Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia and in 1993 undergone four years course of master programme in Paediatrics (M.Med Paed). She worked as Clinical Specialist in Hospital Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia before further her training as Paediatric Respiratory Trainee in Paediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for two years and one year of Respiratory and Sleep training at Princess Margaret Hospital in Perth. She completed her sub-specialty Paediatric Respiratory training in 2004 and continued working in Paediatric Institute before being transferred to Hospital Pulau Pinang in 2005 and been working there as Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Respiratory Physician till now.

She is involved in the Ministry of Health school project looking at the prevalence of sleep disordered breathing in Malaysian children and in the National Health Morbidity Survey 2006 for childhood asthma. She is also a committee member for Malaysian Childhood Asthma Clinical Practice Guideline 2004, revised version 2014 and now revising the asthma CPG 2023. She conducted a full two days Paediatric Asthma Workshop twice a year since 2007 for Northern Region doctors and paramedics. She had been the head for Paediatric Respiratory Sub-specialty in Ministry of Health Malaysia since October 2018. Currently she is also the head of Paediatric Department in Hospital Pulau Pinang and the state paediatrician for Pulau Pinang since June 2019. She had been an honorary lecturer and undergraduate examiner for the RUMC (RCSI UCD Medical College) since 2008. She is also an examiner for the M.Med Paed in Malaysia
Penang Hospital, Penang, Malaysia