Publishing tips and tricks

1 Sep 2024 09:30 09:55
Hall 301, Level 3
Kho Sze Shyang Speaker Malaysia

S7A – Research in Pulmonology

Kho Sze Shyang
Sarawak General Hospital, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

A solid research project typically starts with a well-crafted research question, often identified during clinical practice through evidence-based medicine, targeting areas with insufficient evidence for exploration. The subsequent steps involve developing a hypothesis and establishing a detailed timeline for data collection, analysis, manuscript drafting, submission, and revision. Understanding the rules and criteria of academic writing, along with a clear grasp of each stage in the scientific publication process, is crucial. In this presentation, we'll draw from our experience in publishing in respiratory medicine to offer practical advice and insights for planning effective research projects and preparing manuscripts, from case reports to original articles, tailored to our local capabilities