Optimising antimicrobial use: Strategies for stewardship in respiratory infections

31 Aug 2024 11:05 11:30
Hall 302, Level 3
Rosnida Mohd Noh Speaker Malaysia

S5B – Pulmonary Infection

Rosnida Mohd Noh
Hospital Al Sultan Abdullah UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) plays a critical role in optimising antibiotic use, especially in the treatment of respiratory infections. AMS interventions are essential, given the high prevalence of inappropriate antibiotic use in these cases. The implementation of rapid and precise diagnostics is vital to accurately identifying the causative organisms, allowing for targeted therapy. Limiting the use of empirical antibiotics and promptly refining treatment based on diagnostic results are essential strategies to enhance patient care and prevent resistance.

Additionally, AMS promotes shorter durations of antibiotic therapy, reducing unnecessary exposure and potential side effects. A focus on transitioning from intravenous (IV) to oral antibiotics when clinically appropriate further streamlines patient management, enhancing comfort and reducing hospital stay lengths. These evidence-based interventions optimise individual patient outcomes and contribute to broader public health goals by mitigating the rise of antimicrobial resistance. Overall, AMS strategies in respiratory infections are crucial for ensuring the judicious use of antibiotics, improving clinical outcomes, and safeguarding the efficacy of current antimicrobial agents.