Dilemma in managing childhood pneumonia

31 Aug 2024 08:40 09:05
Hall 303, Level 3
Rus Anida Awang Speaker Malaysia

S4C – Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Children

Rus Anida Awang
Pulau Pinang Hospital, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

The incidence of childhood pneumonia is over 150 million new cases annually worldwide with approximately 920,000 deaths annually. It is also a leading cause of morbidity in children under five. 

The dilemma in managing childhood pneumonia starts from making the diagnosis which can be difficult especially when the presentation is atypical. Distinguishing pneumonia from bronchiolitis, asthma and upper respiratory infections sometimes can be a task. Laboratory tests and radiological images may support the clinical diagnosis, but it may not always be available and there is a risk of radiation exposure.

Deciding whether the pneumonia is due to viral, bacterial or having co-infection is another major dilemma. 

The emergence of resistant strains will limit effective treatment options and increase morbidity. Judicious use of antibiotics by adhering to guidelines and avoiding unnecessary prescriptions are a few strategies to mitigate resistance.

Vaccination especially against Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Haemophilus Influenza Type b is highly effective in causing significant reduction in pneumonia cases and related deaths. Ensuring high vaccination rates coverage in the community is crucial.

Other preventive measures like practicing hand hygiene, cough etiquette, breast feeding and balanced diet to support immune function are equally important in providing protection against infections.

Understanding the complexities in managing childhood pneumonia is crucial for improving patient outcomes and reducing morbidity and mortality.