Complex cases in interventional pulmonology – how to approach?

30 Aug 2024 15:20 15:45
Hall 301, Level 3

S3A – Interventional Pulmonology

Viswesvaran Balasubramaniam
Yashoda Hospitals, Telangana, India

The talk on ‘ Complex cases in Interventional Pulmonology – How I approach ?’ will be a case based discussion on complex cases handled by me in the domain of interventional pulmonology. The talk consists of four clinical case scenarios involving different complex interventional pulmonology techniques. First case scenario addresses the intricacies in management of a benign central airway obstruction in a young male who presented with complete tracheal stenosis following tracheostomy and was managed by minimally invasive bronchoscopic recanalization of airway with Montogomery T tube insertion. Subsequently the T tube was removed with attainment of near complete luminal patency. The second clinical case scenario of a middle aged person addresses the challenges in bronchoscopic management and tracheal SEMS placement in a post radiotherapy patient with malignant central airway obstruction caused by tracheal tumor with intraluminal and extraluminal extension. The procedure focuses on technical aspects for performing a safe bronchoscopic intervention and airway stenting in a complicated airway scenario. Clinical case 3 addresses technical principles of bronchoscopic interventions in the management of complex airway stenosis secondary to endobronchial tuberculosis in a young patient with complete left upper lobe stenosis. Fourth clinical case scenario addresses innovative interventional pulmonology procedures involving use of modified silicone Y stent placement in the management of post surgical bronchopleural fistula in a young male with Type 1 diabetes mellitus.