Single use bronchoscope in interventional pulmonology

30 Aug 2024 14:55 15:20
Hall 301, Level 3
Asutosh Sachdeva Speaker United States

S3A – Interventional Pulmonology

Asutosh Sachdeva
University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, USA

Single Use Bronchoscope

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe utility and evolution of single use bronchoscope in Interventional Pulmonology
  2. Describe value creation through implementing single use bronchoscope in Interventional Pulmonology suite
  3. Describe cost effectiveness of single use bronchoscope in Interventional Pulmonology practice

The concept of single-use bronchoscope is not new. Concerns about cross-contamination whether due to defective bronchoscopy parts or inadequate disinfection, have long been a significant driver for developing single-use bronchoscopes. Over two decades ago, studies by Colt et al. and Margery J et al., involving 24 and 328 patients respectively, explored the use of a novel disposable-sheath device for bronchoscopy. However, this approach did not get much traction due to issues with image quality, suction capabilities, scope maneuverability, and cost per case.

The market for single-use bronchoscopes has seen significant growth following the COVID-19 pandemic, largely driven by the ease of set up and concerns about inadvertent healthcare provider cross-contamination during setting up and breakdown of the scope cart. Furthermore, there have been substantial advancements in the key attributes of single-use scopes including improved image quality, maneuverability, scope handling, tool interaction, cost-effectiveness, and overall functionality.

Today, there are at least five major vendors (likely more) across the globe that are focused on furthering its use in clinical practice. As a result, the access to high-quality, ready-to-use bronchoscope that meet necessary clinical requirements has become more widespread. Even high-volume centers now find these devices cost-effective, considering the overall expenses associated with maintaining inventory and repairing reusable scopes.

At our center, we have demonstrated the value of single-use bronchoscope in both adult and pediatric setting. A recent change in the reimbursement code in US has further contributed their cost-effectiveness. Additionally, the impact on simulation learning through adoption of this technology. Is an important consideration in our practice. There is a growing interest in combining single-use bronchoscopes with artificial intelligence to motivate learners and enhance their procedural skills. This has a potential to make the procedure safer and improve patient outcomes.


  1. Colt HG, Beamis JJ, Harrell JH, Mathur PM. Novel flexible bronchoscope and single-use disposable-sheath endoscope system. A preliminary technology evaluation. Chest. 2000 Jul;118(1):183-7. doi: 10.1378/chest.118.1.183. PMID: 10893377.
  2. Margery J, Vaylet F, Guigay J, Grassin F, Dot JM, Morel V, Vaures E, Marotel C, Demuys C, L'Her P. Bronchoscopy with the Vision Sciences BF100 disposable-sheath device: French experience after 328 procedures. Respiration. 2004 Mar-Apr;71(2):174-7. doi: 10.1159/000076680. PMID: 15031574.
  3. Babb JR, Bradley CR. Endoscope decontamination: where do we go from here? J Hosp Infect. 1995 Jun;30 Suppl:543-51. doi: 10.1016/0195-6701(95)90061-6. PMID: 7560997.
  4. A, Wolfenden LL, Song X, Mackie K, Hartsell TL, Jones HD, Diette GB, Orens JB, Yung RC, Ross TL, Merz W, Scheel PJ, Haponik EF, Perl TM. An outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections associated with flexible bronchoscopes. N Engl J Med. 2003 Jan 16;348(3):221-7. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa021808. PMID: 12529462.
  5. Mehta AC, Muscarella LF. Bronchoscope-Related "Superbug" Infections. Chest. 2020 Feb;157(2):454-469. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2019.08.003. Epub 2019 Aug 14. PMID: 31421109.
  6. Cold KM, Xie S, Nielsen AO, Clementsen PF, Konge L. Artificial Intelligence Improves Novices' Bronchoscopy Performance: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a Simulated Setting. Chest. 2024 Feb;165(2):405-413. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2023.08.015. Epub 2023 Aug 23. PMID: 37619664.
  7. Sachdeva A, Sethi S. Motivation and Learning: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Improve Bronchoscopy Performance. Chest. 2024 Feb;165(2):243-245. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2023.09.018. PMID: 38336435.