Diagnostic and assessment tools in children with asthma

29 Aug 2024 12:00 12:30
Amari Sky, Level 21
Chua Yi Cheau Speaker Malaysia

Paediatric Asthma Workshop

Chua Yi Cheau
Pulau Pinang Hospital, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Introduction: Asthma is the most common chronic respiratory illness affecting an estimated 262 million people worldwide. In Malaysia, the prevalence is estimated between 8.9 and 13.0% in children and 6.3% in adults.

Objective: This presentation explores the various diagnostic and assessment tools available for paediatric asthma, the latest advancements in diagnostic and assessment methodologies for paediatric asthma, highlighting their importance in clinical practice.

Methods/Approach: We will review a range of diagnostic tools, including pulmonary function tests and clinical assessments, emphasizing their utility and limitations in paediatric asthma diagnosis.

Key Findings/Content: Key topics include the efficacy of spirometry in children, the role of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in assessing airway inflammation, impulse ocillometry and the integration of symptom assessment tools in clinical practice. Additionally, we will explore emerging technologies and their potential impact on paediatric asthma diagnosis.

Implications: Understanding and utilizing these diagnostic and assessment tools can lead to earlier detection, personalized treatment plans, and improved outcomes for children with asthma. By incorporating these tools into clinical practice, healthcare providers can better manage paediatric asthma and enhance patient care.

Conclusion: Accurate diagnosis and assessment are paramount in effectively managing asthma in children. By leveraging the latest diagnostic tools and methodologies, healthcare providers can optimize treatment strategies and improve the quality of life for paediatric patients with asthma.

Keywords: Paediatric asthma, diagnosis, assessment tools, spirometry, FeNO, clinical practice.