Addressing the rising threat of drug resistant tuberculosis

29 Aug 2024 08:30 08:50
Rex Room, Level 6
Siti Hafsah Abd Halim Speaker Malaysia

Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis Workshop

Siti Hafsah Abd Rahim
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public health challenge globally, with Drug-resistant TB (DRTB) presenting additional complexities in treatment and management. This presentation aims to outline the programmatic strategies for managing DRTB in Malaysia, examine classification systems, and present the latest data on case notifications, treatment outcomes, and program challenges. Key challenges identified include the need for improved diagnostic capacities, addressing gaps in surveillance, and enhancing treatment adherence.

Despite substantial progress in DRTB management, the detection rate remains lower than global estimates, with a success rate of 52%, well below the Global Plan target of 90%. There is an urgent need to strengthen surveillance, improve diagnostic facilities, and enhance treatment protocols to achieve better outcomes. Continued efforts and multiagency collaborations are essential to overcome these challenges.